Ant Attack – Remake

Jean Yves just alerted me to an Ant Attack Remake, these things are always worth following.

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Horses and Cows

I always thought cows were stupid! If you’ve ever looked at a cattle grid, you’d have noticed that any animal with an ounce of brain should be able to work out how to get round them… I used to have hours of fun watch the herd of cows near my old house attempting to circumvent the cattle grid. Every now and then one of them gets close, but very few ever work it out and escape.

Anyway, driving home tonight through the New Forest I was thinking about the New Forest Ponies. For those of you who know nothing about the Forest, ponies run wild throughout it. It occurs to me that the Forest is a large place and that Animals that have the freedom to roam can eat and sleep anywhere they want. So, why do they all eat at the side of the roads or sleep in the middle of them? All that grassland and they prefer the tarmac. With the deer they always keep well away, the only problem with them is when the cross the road in their own inevitable style. So I officially put horses in the same stupid category as cows!

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Beds and Children

One of the things that they don’t prepare you for when you are on your run up to parenthood, is how children take over your bed. In the first few years you are always aware when they wake and you have some control as to whether you allow them to sleep in your bed ( before you all gasp at horror at the thought of allowing children to sleep in your bed; many people out there will tell you how it’s a bad habbit to get into, sometimes it’s the only way to get any sleep! Moderation is always the key! ) As they get older and the child gates come down, they have this uncanny knack of just appearing beside you!

Now, multiply this by the number of children you have… and suddenly a double bed is not big enough. As soon as I can decorate all my rooms, and reorganise everyone, then I’m going to super-size my bed or put gates on my door!

I’m increasingly waking up to Jacob kicking me in the head as he sleeps horizontally across our bed and Rebekah hogging any remaining space. This in turn removes and room for Victoria and I.If you need more info please check out

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This Blog…

To start of with an answer to Jean Yves, (Creator of the fantastic Midnight/MU for those of you that don’t know) Ice-Blog will be my general ramblings page. I will no doubt mention all things midnight and Midnight Engine, however I do also have the problem that there is a Yahoo Group that is better placed for such things, so expect duplication.

I started writing a piece about the current and future state of The Midnight Engine, but then found myself struggling with the concept of this being the wrong place. So I should be sending it to YahooGroups. However, I can set this blog service up to receive updates from me from a POP mail box. That could be interesting in that any messages I send to the group could be BCC’d to that mailbox, which would automatically make them show up here… I will try that later.

I can’t tell you too much about the other Blog, I may allow some people to read it over time, but it’s a TOP SECRET project! 🙂

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There is nothing to write about, you say…

Well, this is the start of my blog service. Nothing special but somewhere to write some idles. It seems everyone is doing it so why shouldn’t I?

I’m not sure how much I will get to update this, but I’ll try hard and hopefully you might find that I’ve got something interesting to say. Although I doubt it. Having never kept a diary, this will be a hard process as it is all alien to me.

Actually this is the test for another blog that I will be writing, but that is something else altogether! 🙂

There is nothing to write about, you say. Well, then, write and let me know just this,—that there is nothing to write about; or tell me in the good old style if you are well. That ’s right. I am quite well.” – Pliny the Younger (61–105 A.D.)

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