just a stone

just a stone

It might be just a stone to you
But it means the world to me
It represents my future, my hope, my aspirations
To you; just as waste of 75p
I know you might not understand
Why I need this shiny trinket of the deepest blue
It represents my past, my freedom, my independence
To you; another aggregate of minerals for me to lose

Chris Wild – Nov 12th 2007

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First Days

Jacob started school this morning! Another Wild into the system…

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New school year

Rebekah started her new school today; she’s been so excited about moving up to the Juniors. Up and ready quickly this morning, which is not the norm! I can’t believe that three years of infants has zoomed past. The strangest thing about the new school ( aside the lead learner ) is that the uniform is blue. Now, my favourite colour is blue and those who know me will know that I also tend to that colour; yet Rebekah doesn’t suite blue! Red is her colour… just like the Infants uniform! Oh well…

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The Fairy Party

Blowing out the candles Well, Rebekah turned 7 over the weekend! I obviously must utter the proverbial, “Where does time go..?” As usual, Victoria has spent a good amount of time organising the party and everything just about fell into place a few minutes before everyone arrived.

The Fairy Circle This year we had a fairy theme and we started with the invite. I wrote a small story about how Garak the evil goblin was about to capture the Guardian of the Forest and that we needed help from Fairy children to either stop him or rescue the guardian. The children all turned up in Fairy costume and with fairy names. We started the party by reading them the next installment of the story and then taking them through the Golden Arch, which was temporarily located at the entrance of our garden, and into the world of the Dreamgate. Once in the garden the had to find the Ice Crystal that Garak had dropped in the Fairy Glen. This gave them a stone and a riddle on how to find the next puzzle and prize. They slowly made their way around the Hub solving puzzles and playing games, before being let loose on to the plains to find the dwarfs that were holding the guardian.Rise of the Unicorn By this stage they had the name of the guardian which they called out at one of the gates on the plains… to then enter through the gate and find a Unicorn Pinata which they could beat the shit out of to release all the sweet treasure!!!! Then back to the garden for fairy themed food.

Cake Again, Victoria had created a masterpiece of a cake.

We were massivley lucky with the weather – it was beautiful all day! And the kids seemed to have a whale of a time.

We then rolled into a BBQ for the adults after the party. A good time all round.

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Bad Man

Sometimes I wonder if I’m a bad Brother, Son, and friend. Not because I’m a nasty person, not because I’ve ever done anything to be ashamed of, but because I don’t pickup the phone. I love talking, and I love talking to my family, I’m just not very good at long distance conversation instigation. This isn’t limited to my parents and brothers. I’m not very good at calling friends either. And if I’m away from home, I’m not quick to call Victoria and the kids. It’s just the way I am.

I think about my parents every day. It’s hard not to think about your parents when you have children. In the good times and the bad times, I wonder just what my parents would have done in that situation. When my children are playing or indeed fighting, I think about the same times I would have had with my brothers. When my brain drops down into idle, I generally find myself thinking about my family.

Just this weekend I was thinking about my elder brother and his family, thinking that I should give him a call, thinking that he calls me far more than I ever call him and that it’s about time that I ring him and find out, “How’s things? How are you? What are you up to?” etc…

but instead, here I am Monday morning thinking about the fact that I didn’t call…. … I promise myself I will call tonight…

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