While giving blood this morning at Southampton Hosptial The Verve’s The Drugs Don’t Work was playing on the radio… it struck me as an inappropriate song to be playing in a hospital.
Blood, Music, Drugs, Verve, Radio, The Verve, The Drugs Don’t Work
The Verve, The Drugs Don’t Work
So I’m watching TV last night when I see and advert for Heinz Snak pots. Apparently…
“Preparing Heinz Beanz and Pasta has never been simpler,” says Nathan Ansell, Senior Brand Manager, Heinz Beanz. “Snap, heat and eat. That’s how easy it is for consumers who want a great tasting, super convenient snack Cuisinart food processor .
So cooking Baked Beans is difficult and slow? FFS!
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The Year Gone…
I know it’s a little early to be doing end of the year retrospectives, but I noticed myself in the mirror this morning and it appears that the hamster cheeks have come back! Now I don’t even need to think about weighing myself because I know that that means that I’ve put all the weight back on that I lost over the first 2 thirds of the year! So, all that hard work ( exercise ) for nothing….!
I was feeling a little introspective as it was, now I’m thinking that most of this year was for nowt!
On a not entirely unrelated note; The Krispy Kreme doughnut store has just opened near work… there are currently 3 boxes of 12 doughnuts that a colleague of mine has brought in, sat on the desk behind me!

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You learn something every day.
I learnt something about myself today. It’s not often that happens. I have afterall been living with myself for nearly 37 years and have had plenty of time to figure me out. I know for example that I can be a little stubborn. I have a very small streak for exaggeration. I am generally shy but also have no small amount of belief in myself, a tad arrogance some would say, when it comes to things like work. I am creative but my talent isn’t well formed enough to see it all through. I have stories that I now people want to hear, want to see, want to read; I just can’t get them down. I have game designs that people will want to play. I’m lazy. I can be self absorbed. The list could go on.
I enjoy writing and I enjoy creative writing, but the thing I found out today is that I like the process. Actually the process isn’t right, it’s kind of hard to explain what it is that I actually like, but let me try:
When I write I talk to myself in my head, I hear one word just before I write it. If I am not writing it I hear the whole process. That is the bit I like. I like the rawness of what I can hear in my head. That is my best work. The words forming in my brain before anything can mess with them. I hear the dialogue of people. I hear the narrator telling the story. I hear my imagination working at its best and it is so refreshing, so inspiring. All I need is to be able to capture it in a way that I am happy with…