Beach Party

Beach PartyIt was Rebekah’s 6th birthday on the Saturday and obviously we threw a party for her. She’s been thinking about how her party would be since the curtain fell on her 5th party. She’s decided on a Beach Party and so we set about converting our New Forest garden into a sea front beach. She picked her birthday guests and sent out postcard invitations.

Victoria and Sue spent months thinking about and organising all the details. There were waves to paint and cut out, a sun to create, deck chairs, buckets and spades, fishing nets, cut out sea creatures, beach balls, inflatables, shells, an ice cream parlour, water games, a swimming pool, a bucket and spade birthday cake, beach styled food stuff, and not to mention 2 tonne of sand to create that beach.

On Thursday the sand was delivered and I spent the evening wheel barrowing 2 tonne of sand from the front of the house to the position of our new beach around the back of the house. Saturday we all rushed around arranging everything.

The party was due to start a 2pm and at 12:30pm the sky went dark and the heavens opened. Monsoon! We were hit by the biggest storm I’ve seen in ages. Wimbledon style we got the covers over the beach and quickly put away everything that could move. Unfortunatley much of the artwork couldn’t be moved from its fixed positions on the fences. My brother and I were convinced that it was a passing storm and that within 15 minutes or so it would have blown over and the sun would come back out. Well, the garden was in a few inches of water, the gazebo constantly required the water being pushed off it’s roof and we had to secure it against the mini tornado winds. Thunder and Lightning ripped through the black skies. It has to be said that all was not looking great as it still lashed it down at 1:30pm – Rebekah was devastated, Victoria was becoming increasingly worried about having to cancel, and I was bothered about all the booze and food that I had bought for the BBQ we were going to have for our friends and family after the party.

We decided against cancelling and made arrangements to have a much more subdued party in the house. However, bang on 2pm the sun came back out, the rain subsided, the new ocean in the garden drained away and we were party on!

From minute one the kids were outside and had a fantastic time… the whole party went down fantastic. And we had a brilliant time in the evening with our BBQ. All around a rip roaring success!

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One Reply to “Beach Party”

  1. I am planning a beach party for our daughter and am wanting to make a bucket and spade cake. I would really appreciate some details of how you made this.

    Thanking you

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