Marie’s book to be turned into TV show…
How cool is that?!
See Also: Marie Phillips, My Review

The General Babblings of Chris Wild
Marie’s book to be turned into TV show…
How cool is that?!
See Also: Marie Phillips, My Review
I’ve just finished reading Gods Behaving Badly. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s a nice simple easy read. But a well told story, funny, and actually pretty clever. I learned more about Greek Gods and Greek Mythology in the few hours it took to read the book, than I ever did at school or since. I also found myself being interested by that side of things. Maire, there’s something in that for providing books for education!
The book moves at quite a pace and I found myself constantly wanting to keep going; quite a page turner. I love the irreverance of it all and the characters nonchalance to their situation. Their is plenty foul language and sex in the book, but it too, is just so throwaway. But also, there are a few moments, slight paragraphs, that made me momentarily drop out of all the fun, and think for a moment, before rushing head long back..
There was only one moment where I thought an element of Deus ex machina had been applied which was a slight let down, but not actually that great in the scheme of things. One could probably argue that it is totally inkeeping with the theme of the story.
The premis of the story is clever and well done, the writing is accomplished, the humour and observations well handled – Marie has release and excellent first Novel. I’m sure it will do very well and I look forward to the Film version.
I went to Marie’s first signing of Gods Behaving Badly at Crockatt & Powell in London last night.
It was great to finally meet up and talk with Marie having “virtually” known her for so long and having followed her progress as a Struggling Author of the last few years. It seemed a great success and Marie seemed to be radiant, excited, bubbly, and damned well just so pleased to be there! I suspect however this morning she will be feeling a little hungover with a tired signing arm!
The shop is a nice little, well presented store and the owners Adam and Matthew seem like really nice blokes. It’s the kind of shop that I would like to spend time in even if it did mean spending a lot more money buying more and more books!
I also met a good number of people to talk with while I was there. In particular a number of members of the reading group that meet at the shop. Thanks to Julie I am now a proud owner of Rastamouse for the kids. I read it on the train home and it is such good fun. I’m sure the kids will love it… Rebekah seemed to like it this morning even if she couldn’t get her head round the rast speak! 🙂
I’ve read the first 100 pages of the book. Basically it’s about Greek Gods living in modern day London. It’s good, I like it. Very funny. It’s an easy read. I don’t know ultimately how deep it is, it’s not that kind of book, although there are some interesting issues in there about dieties and how the world works with regard global warming etc… more later when I finish.
Being immortal isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Life’s hard for a Greek god in the 21st century: nobody believes in you any more, even your own family doesn’t respect you, and you’re stuck in a delapidated hovel in north London with too many siblings and not enough hot water. But for Artemis (goddess of hunting, professional dog walker), Aphrodite (goddess of beauty, telephone sex operator) and Apollo (god of the sun, TV psychics) there’s no way out… Until a meek cleaner and her would-be boyfriend come into their lives, and turn the world literally upside down.
I’ve been working on a childrens story on off for a while. It is something that Rebekah and me have been throwing around. I’m about 4 or 5 chapters in and have the high concept in place, but have been struggling with some of the detail in my head. To be honest, I also struggle for time. Anyway, I think I have now found a good enough process to allow me to move forward and am hoping to get the provebial ball rolling ASAP. What I am now looking for is someone to draw pictures for me. It is not intended to be an illustrated book but I do think characters and places could do with imagineering. I also want to start the process of a website and blog to follow the process and images would be essential in this.
So if you are or know an illustrator who would be interested in collaborating, get in touch… comment here and I’ll email you back.
You should get prepared for the coming of the gods and read a snippet here.